The image above is the state my TD game was last time i touched it, it had a turret system with enemy filters (this means that some towers can't attack some enemies, in this case ground towers can't attack flying enemies and vice versa)
and a nicely put together turret system which i am extremely proud of because i made it myself :D
It also had a simple pathfinding system which was mostly made with the help of the Godot 4 server members but still great nontheless.
Very basic stuff.
Some ideas i had were:
There would be some enemies that would fight back dealing damage to your towers, and there would be barrier towers that would block those attacks , but at the cost of your towers obviously having less range due to them being further away from the pathway.
Towers that let you elevate other towers making them have more range at the cost of attack speed or precision, not sure yet.
The game would function in a world/level system, each level having its own variations and challenges, like a 3 star system where each star corresponds to a challenge you beat, 1 of the stars always being for simply conpleting the level, one for beating its night variant which is much harder and would introduce the concept of light towers, and a gimmicky challenge version for the 3rd star which would switch things up a lot.
You would obtain new towers by sinply playing the levels and progressing and i planned on giving them little costumes that you could buy with ingame currency that did nothing but look cute for both enemies and towers!
Towers levelling/upgrading was not something i had in mind and is still something i am unsure about, i want to focus on tower and enemy variety alongside having unique bosses for each boss level.
Speaking of, my idea for boss levels is that the boss would stay static outside of the pathway, and you would need to place towers around it to attack while the boss kept spawning enemies on the pathway to destroy your base(the hive)
if the boss wasn't killed in time you'd just lose cuz it'd stay alive for as long as the background music lasted, which i think is a fun lil gimmick...
There are other ideas but these are the main ones, any opinions, questions and critiques are allll welcome!
I like the concept, it looks fun, I don't have many critiques, I like the ideas and gimmicks you've come up with, they sound like fun!
really my only critique so far is that the game looks a bit plain, but this is an early screen shot, so things can change.
either way, I look forward to how the game will be, I really like Tower Defense games, so I'd really like to see how the game will play!
Oh yeh absolutely, i'll defo make the levels look more alive, ty regardless :D