Hi there!!
I have everything ready to start making! Got some basic assets going and i have a pretty clear vision of what i want Beastie Hive (my lil' tower defense game) to be!
I decided to list out everything i wanted to do for the game in a spreadsheet, divided it by stages and I'm gonna work on each one of them and move to the next stage once I'm happy with what i have in hands right now :D
First stage is gonna focus on me starting the most important mechanics for it, being a turret system, enemy path finding, custom bullet system, being able to make your own deck of towers and placing them, alongside one of the main gimmicks i wanna have which is the levels having height variation, which blocks off the vision of towers, but makes towers on top of those higher up blocks of terrain able to attack flying towers, which they'd not normally be able to do if they were in the base height
Will post constant updates on it here!